By The Glass....

Posted on Fri Nov 2nd, 2018 at 4:06 pm

We ended up in a small town called Solvang California. If you didn't know any better you thought you were in Denmark. There are danish buildings and windmills placing you in spot that felt more like Europe than the United States. Before wine we were on a mission to find the infamous Pancake Balls the town was known for.


 Lucas and Lewellen was the tasting room and Pinot Noir was on the docket. After tasting some fantastic Pinots the tasting room attendant asked if we wanted to try the Cab. Knowing that there is a cabernet growing region called Happy Canyon that produces cabernets in the area we figured we better oblige. The well balanced oak and undertones of black currant captured our attention. Our staff members that we brought with us agreed this was a great wine. We talked about this wine and even blind tasted each other later to see if it really was that enjoyable. There was no mistake about it, we had to get this into The Bottle Room. Calling our distributor up wielded and even better surprise. We could get this wine into a glass pour range and expose all of our guests to this deliciousness. We hope you agree and enjoy Lucas and Lewellen Cabernet at The Bottle Room. 


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